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OFF TOPIC DISCUSSIONS => National - International - Global News Around the World => Topic started by: DUNBAR PLUMBING on May 18, 2013, 08:32:07 PM

Title: No Bacon for San Fran
Post by: DUNBAR PLUMBING on May 18, 2013, 08:32:07 PM
http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/development/2013/05/bacon-bacon-aroma-set-end (http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/development/2013/05/bacon-bacon-aroma-set-end)
This is a situation whereby the smell of good business is forcing its closing.

"Bacon Bacon" is the name of this business in San Francisco. Haight Ashbury Improvement Association has stated that they don't mind the business operating but the numerous code violations and repairs, along with a correction of bacon grease being directly deposited into the sewage system must be dealt with.

From an outward view of this situation,

This fellow gets more recognition by "not" playing by the rules, as this news story has done well in reaching all parts of the united states and probably further than that.

Also, it would be expected that these lodged complaints might of arised from neighbors of the business that were muslim, considering that their religion is against anything related to pork products.

 :sign0099:  Seems that someone has it out for this business of meat candy. Maybe a call for cooperation, not opposition is the best suggestion for this company to go forward and make it right with the city. Otherwise this story leaves the world and so does the business that smelled of success, too much so that forced all the flying pigs to fly away...