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Messages - cougfan

Pages: [1]
Off Topic - Discussions / Re: Favorite Shows on Cable/TV
« on: January 21, 2010, 06:05:18 PM »
After a month or two of the red's,you may be wishing for winter again :sign0151:

In the great state of washington, the city of seattle  is offering coupons to the public to replace their toilets with 1.28 flushers.You can redeem the coupon at HD

You guys do some wicked crazy stuff back east!Is this a mobile home?or did someone look all the way down the aisle at home depot?

CPVC is not a favorite of mine it seems like it get brittle on the hot side and cracks at the fittings a lot and then when you cut it back it just shatters and a one foot repair turns into a six foot repair,then it takes hours for the glue to cure on the hot side .Never considered thermal expansion on it,justif the heating and cooling effects of the water didn't age the pipe faster than expected and/or changed the molecular compisition of the pipe.

Has the pump failed or just the mercury switch?Has anyone just tried to run the pump seperately without the mercury switch?A sealed lift station shouldn't have an odor and a twelve foot head isn't to bad for most pumps.If the gfci is tripping is the circuit overloaded?startupwould put alot of load on and could cause the gfci to trip.is there a high water alarm on this system?maybe a new pump and a shorter leash on the mercury float and cycle the pump more and is paper products clumping on the float causing it to not turn on.sounds like the pumps needs to be switched out and a new pump and or lift station installed.

toto drakes are what i recommend and western pottery has a good flusher also that isn't such a big hit to the pocketbook

So did you replace the dip tube and anode rod on the heater

Introduction Thread - Forum Members / Hello from the PNW
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:21:01 PM »
hey all Cougfans here :beer:

Welcome aboard! I'm putting as much time as I possibly can into the forum. I know nobody likes an empty room.

I'm getting requests already on this site for those wanting to write articles for me. !!!

The others are watching to swap links from one site to another, and of course, spammers.

The beginning of these forums are tough but once they pick up, they usually do quite well.

I like this forum board a lot, the color scheme and the design.

I like Liberty pumps,use them whenever I can over little giant

Plumbing Codes / Re: Your State, and what Plumbing Code
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:46:01 PM »
I'm about fifty miles fom Terry's shop

Lot of times you open up the cover and the clog is in the baffle or the filter going to the pump tank,always try to go from the tank when possible so I don't blow out the baffle.Also try to upsell them on extensions for the inlet and outlet so I don't spend time having to dig up the covers usually at night.

Plumbing Codes / Re: Your State, and what Plumbing Code
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:25:11 PM »
 Washington,    UPC and any county or city add ons

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